Capstone Projects

Many potential and current students are very interested in what capstone projects our students complete to graduate from the program. This is a growing list of exemplary capstones from our graduates!

  • Kelli Yarbrough: An executive training module to teach empathy to leaders. Wonder-Round Management: A Leadership Development and Practical Application Program (Please contact Keli if you are interested in this training for your executives)
  • Nana Sledzieski: Resources for educators, community members, and parents.
  • Adam Muse: Philosophy of Coaching
  • Kim Cardelle: Leadership and Coaching Training Module (please contact Kim if you are interested in her training program)
  • Henry Doss: A thesis–Piers Plowman, Poverty, and the Medieval Church
  • Donna Davis: A non-profit training module. Christian Men’s Alliance: A Two-day Nonprofit Board Management and Leadership Seminar (Please contact Donna for more information about this training module)